Summary Statement of Glen Street Building Cost





Buying Lot and remodeling building.


Received from Pledges                                                                $7450.00

Pledges unpaid                                                   1281.00            $8731.00

Net receipts of Parada                                                                     737.99

Building fund, accumulated before building

Was moved,                                                                                     744.67

For old house on lot                                                                          140.00

Sundry items                                                                                      111.01

Sale of bonds                                                                                  39075.35

Rent from offices of building                                                                 131.25

Borrowed of Lapham & Parks on note                                                3000.00

                                                                     Total                          $ 52671.27



Cost of conducting pledges                                                                      $     85.84

Removing tower                                                                                          1567.53

Miscellaneous items                                                                                     1419.37

Burnham, Contract for foundation                                                                 2977.60

Extras, Burnham                                                                                               49.00

John Eichleay Jr. Co. for moving building                                                     12670.00

John Eichleay Jr. Co. for I beams                                                                  1740.00

Patrick Moynehan (lot)                                                                               16000.00

Insurance                                                                                                       347.90

Interest on notes and bonds                                                                          1863.83

George H. Pike, patching walls                                                                      406.50

P. H. Haselton, painting rooms, second floor                                                   345.62

Reed & Hardy, Electric fixtures                                                                      368.48

W. F. Lawrence, architect                       paid               328.05

                                                            Owing              104.17                       432.22

DeLong Sons,                                      paid                  536.96

                                                            Owing            2816.17                     3353.13

Alexander & Papper                         paid                6175.62

                                                            Owing            1226.51                     8102.13

Seymour Taylor                          paid                1000.00

                                                            Owing              500.00                     1500.00

W. H. Austin                                        paid                  600.00

                                                            Owing              608.51                     1208.51

W. H. Burnham, drawing soil                  unpaid                                                20.40

Henderson-Ames for furniture            unpaid                                                    455.00

Bullard Pross                                        unpaid                                                    3.50

Furniture from Saratoga                                                                                   786.87

Finch, Pruyn & Co., Coal                                                                                304.50

Lapham & Parks, note                                                                        3000.00          

                                                                                                             $ 59007.93

 Deficiency                                                                                            $  6336.66

             The following items were not included in the estimate originally made by the finance committee at the former meeting.  These items show that the original estimate would have been about right had not the changes been made, incurring additional expense.

These items are

John Eichleay Co. I beams in the basement in the place of the walls

            To provide banquet room                                                               $1740.00

Interest that has accrued upon the bonds and notes

            During the moving and repairing of the building,

            When no income has been received from it                                      1862.83

Piazza, estimated to cost                                                                              1000.00

Furniture less the receipts from Parada                                                        510.00

The pledges that have actually been made are less

            Than $10,000 by the sum of                                                              1269.00

As the Association did not need the whole proceeds of the bonds issued at the start, they only issued bonds as they needed money.  The last of them were issued in February 1913, and as the first $1000 of bonds would mature on April 1st, 1913, it was thought best not to issue these bonds, therefore only $39,000.00 have been issued, creating an apparent discrepancy from the original issue of $ 1000.00

Making a total of                                                                      $7382.83                   


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